- Windows: download MiKTeX.
- Mac: download MacTeX.
- Linux: if you don’t have it already, download TeX Live.
- Chromebook: Overleaf (online editor).
- More details.
TeX Editors
For actually typing .tex files, here are some recommended editors:
- Windows: Russ suggests TeXstudio.
- Mac: TeXShop is free and good. I personally use Texpad.
- Online Editor: Overleaf.
Introductory Material
My main recommendations:
Some other useful resources:
Logic & Language
Some guides I’ve written up:
- Natural Deduction Proofs in LaTeX: covers Fitch proofs, proof trees, truth trees, and Lemmon proofs.
- Quick TikZ for Modal Logicians: a gentle how-to for creating fancy diagrams in LaTeX
Packages and other guides:
- Fitch Proofs: fitch or lplfitch.
- Proof Trees: bussproofs
- Truth Trees: qtree sort of works, but TikZ is more flexible.
- Diagrams: TikZ or XY-Pic.
- Logic: LaTeX for Logicians.
- Linguistics: LaTeX4Ling
- Detexify lets you search for symbol commands by drawing them.
- The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List: literally.
- TeX Stack Exchange probably can answer any question you may have.