Phil 143: Modal Logic
Instructor: Prof. Wesley Holliday
Office Hours
Office: 737 Evans
Office Hours: Monday 1pm-3pm, or by appointment
Section Times and Locations
Friday 10am-11am in 31 Evans
Friday 11am-12pm in 31 Evans
Friday 1pm-2pm in 233 Dwinelle
Handouts from Section
- Modal Truth & Bisimulations [solutions]
- Axiomatic Proofs [solutions]
- Extensions of K [solutions]
- Counterfactuals [solutions]
- Knowledge [solutions]
- Dynamic Epistemic Logic [solutions]
Course Mechanics
Course Syllabus
You can retrieve the syllabus from bCourses when you lose your copy.
Be sure to sign up for the course’s Piazza site: Phil 143. There, you and your fellow students can ask and answer questions (anonymously if you wish) regarding the material.
If you want to type your homeworks instead of writing them, the tool you’ll want to use is LaTeX. We’ll have a special LaTeX session on January 27 (details will be sent through bCourses). For more references on typing documents in LaTeX, see my LaTeX page.