Fall 2013

Phil 12A: Introduction to Logic

Instructor: Prof. Seth Yalcin

Office Hours

Office: 1058 Evans
Hours: Wednesdays 2:30pm-4pm, or by appointment

Section Times and Locations

Section 1:
Tuesday, 11am-12pm in 233 Dwinelle
Thursday, 11am-12pm in 225 Dwinelle

Section 2:
Tuesday, 1pm-2pm in 72 Evans
Thursday, 1pm-2pm in 125 Dwinelle

Handouts from Section


Course Mechanics

Course Syllabus

You can retrieve the syllabus either from bSpace or Piazza when you lose your copy.


Be sure to sign up for the course’s Piazza site: Philos 12A. There, you and your fellow students, along with the GSIs, can ask and answer questions (anonymously if you wish) regarding the material. You can also earn extra credit by participating.


If you want to type your homeworks instead of writing them, the tool you’ll want to use is LaTeX.

Here is an illustrative example, which looks like this. For more about constructing trees in LaTeX, see the qtree package documentation.